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How to change the mode of joomla 2.5 login form?
I've created a login form and I'm trying to change it to simple login mode without the need of the users to provide any password. How can I do that?
I think you mean this.
Go to Components > User Management > Security > User Role Editor
In the Access tab select "ROLE_USER" or whichever role you want
Click the plus sign next to the tab, enter "Simple Login" in the New Role field
Click the Save button to save the changes
Using a variable in Rspec
I am new to Rspec and have been trying to get my code to work.
One of my routes is :
get 'index' => 'index#index'
I am trying to assert the following but keep getting the error
expected #index? to be true
expected #index? to be true, got false
What is the correct way to use a variable in an rspec assert?
def index
puts "here"
it "should be true" do
expect(true).to eq(true)
You should do:
def index
puts "here"
it "should be true" do
expect(index).to be_truthy
Note that you can use be_true in this case:
it "should be true" do
expect(index).to be_true
And in more detail:
"should be true" is not a thing. It is just a sentence.
So what you are saying is "the value of index is truthy".
This is not true.
So the "to be" is always checking that the variable is equal to a "truthy" value.
For example, expect(index).to eq(false) will try to match the value of index against false. This will work, ac619d1d87
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